A Breakdown of the USNS Comfort
Hey, Annie here. Today, I'm going to give you a rundown of the USNS Comfort. Let's talk about the nitty gritty details, the history, and current events.
Right now, it's critical to stay informed. This global pandemic has been a historic and grave challenge. Thank you to our military for getting involved and doing their best to help out!
If you want to hear more about the US Navy's enormous hospital boat, scroll down.
What is the USNS Comfort?
The USNS Comfort is essentially a floating hospital. This giant US Navy ship offers relief to the United States and allies during crises.
The ship has helped service in the aftermath of hurricanes such as Katrina, earthquakes, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. What else is there to know about this ship?
- It's giant- over 100 feet tall.
- It has 1000 beds
- It's a fully functioning medical clinic, with all of the necessary staff members and equipment to keep it up to parr
Initial Plan of the Comfort
New York City is the epicenter of the coronavirus here in the United States. In order to help treat patients, the military needed to get involved. There is not enough room in the NYC hospitals for all of the patients.
In an attempt to free up some space in NYC hospitals for patients who tested positive for COVID-19, the USNS comfort initially intended to treat exclusively non-COVID-19 patients.
There was some backlash from the public. People were saying that the Comfort was not treating enough patients. They had a lot of restrictions in place, perhaps to try to prevent the spread of this novel contagion.
It was decided that in order to fulfill the duty to offer relief, they would need to ease up on the rigid regulations.
What’s Happening Now?
Then, an outbreak occurred onboard. This easily-transferrable virus made it's way onto the ship. A crew member tested positive for COVID-19.
Now, the ship is currently accepting patients that have tested positive for the virus. In fact, they are accepting the patients that are in the most dire need of care. Less urgent cases of patients who tested positive for COVID-19 are being treated at Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, a hospital in NYC. The rest are being transferred to the Comfort.
It is equipped with ventilators and intensive care unit beds. Those who have the coronavirus are isolated from other patients in attempt to contain the virus. The Comfort recently said that it is rushing reinforcement to aid the NYC hospital's frontline medical workers.
Thank you for reading my blog post on the USNS Comfort. This pandemic is not easy for anyone. Do your part by wearing a mask, practicing social distancing and staying home.
It is essential to flatten the curve right now so we don't put vulnerable people at risk of death. My heart goes out to those who are currently suffering. Thank you to our servicemen, frontline medical workers, and military.
Stay safe and healthy!
Annie Foley
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