6 Tips Recruits Use to Survive Military Bootcamp
Boot Camp is the military’s crucible, through which it forges young adults into fighting men and women. If you think you’re fighting fit, think again... You definitely need to be more prepared than you already are!
Fortunately, you can get ready for the challenge by remembering these 6 tips recruits use to survive military boot camp:
6. Prepare Physically and Mentally

For starters, be absolutely certain to prepare for the rigors of boot camp physically and mentally before you ship off. The skinnier and weaker you are, the harder time you’ll have getting through PT without wanting to shut down.
For best results, practice physically by running around with a 40 to 50-pound backpack for a few miles each day.
You should also be able to do at least 50 push-ups and sit-ups, plus do a 2 mile run in less than 15 minutes.
The military will improve your physical skills at boot camp, of course, but reaching these minimum levels of fitness will make it a lot more manageable for you.
5. Take Nothing Personally

Your drill instructors are not your friends. Although they will yell at you and you’ll be told to “Drop and give me 20” all the time, keep one salient thing in mind: it’s not personal.
Everyone is meant to be broken down and fail to some degree in boot camp. No one will do anything right, especially for the first week.
Don't take anything personally, keep your head down, do everything your drill instructors tell you to do, and you'll get through boot camp just fine.
4. Take Care of Your Buddies

Your battalion or team are your battle buddies. Take this to heart and start supporting your team members from day one.
Your drill instructors will work hard to make sure that you know the value of teamwork and if one person on your team fails, you'll all fail and have to run a course again, do another drill, or do cleanup duty after mealtime.
Support each other from the get-go and you’ll face fewer penalties and get through PT that much faster.
3. Eat Quickly

Each military recruiting boot camp gets access to three meals a day, with the exception of special days when you might be away running drills or doing other things. However, you’ll only get a certain amount of time to eat for each meal.
Eat quickly. Don’t waste time chatting with your friends or battle buddies. Chow down and get all the fuel into your system so you can keep performing without running out of steam.
2. Eat a Light Lunch on “Gas Chamber Day”

The above tip is always true except for one day called "Gas Chamber Day".
On this day, you'll be forced to breathe in gas and might feel like you'll throw up. It’s a test of recruits’ nerve and willpower. When Gas Chamber Day arrives, eat a light lunch to avoid hurling on the floor.
1. Remember That it Gets Better

Lastly, remember that boot camp becomes more tolerable the further you get into it.
Each week is different from the last, and your body and mind will gradually be shaped into a tough fighting machine. The first week is the hardest. The last week is the easiest. Remember this when the temptation to quit floats around in your head in between push-ups!

Though these tips are essential for getting through boot camp unscathed, many of them can also be applied to civilian life. Because you never know when you’ll need to be fighting fit to navigate your way through tricky life situations, it’s always best to think like our country’s finest.
Good luck!
Thanks for reading,
Justin | MME Fitness Contributor

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