3 Techniques to Manage Anxiety
You don't want to learn about mental toughness from just anybody, right? You want to hear from the world's elite, the military personnel (Special Forces, to be specific) who have been through it all.
They've had to fight through when their tank was completely empty. They've suffered physical, mental, and emotional harm, but they kept going. Let's learn about a few techniques that they recommend to help manage anxiety.
1. Positive Thinking
There are two ways to view a challenge. You can be bummed out about something that is probably going to be difficult, or you can invite the challenge wholeheartedly.
You can decide to get excited about this growth opportunity. Don't view anything as impossible or you'll get defeated early on. Instead, you've got to believe in your heart that you CAN overcome this.
Try these techniques to change your mindset:
- Silver lining
It may be tough to find the cloud within the the silver lining, but it is there. You've just got to dig deep for it.
- Don't take failure personally
Even the most successful people fail. Don't look at it as a character flaw. Instead, learn from your mistakes.
- You're not a victim
Remember, you're in control of your own life. Make your own decisions or people will begin treating you like a victim.
- Smile
Who doesn't like to smile? It sends a signal to your brain to be happier.
- List your goals
This will give you conviction and remind you why you're doing what you're doing in the first place. You'll feel capable!
2. The Helicopter Method
If you find yourself consumed with feelings of stress, anxiety, or depression, try this hack to get yourself out of it.
Visualize in your mind's eye that you're getting on a helicopter. You're flying high above everything, the trees, your friends, the stress of the situation. You're literally seeing everything in a new perspective. Imagine that when you look left you see past events and when you look right you see future events.
Look down at the current situation and ask yourself, "How important is this situation to the rest of my life?" In the grand scheme of things, it probably won't matter for very long. Nothing is constant, even the negative emotions will eventually pass.
3. Stress Break
In order to relieve yourself from symptoms of extreme stress, it's important to recognize the signs and symptoms.
Mental Signs:
- Irrational behavior
- Increased temper
- Concentration issues
- Unable to relax
- Depression
Physical Signs:
- Overeating or under-eating
- Sleeping issues
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Chest and heart pain
Once you've identified that you're under stress, it's time to move your mind away from the stress for a few moments before returning to it with a clear mind.
1. Identify Triggers
What causes stress in your life? Is it when you take in too much information at once? Are you overstimulated?
2. Deep breaths
Take deep and slow breaths and shake your body to relax it.
3. Appeal to one of your senses
Imagine the face of your best friend, a comforting smell, or the sound of your favorite song. Dwell on that experience until the stress passes.
Thank you for reading my blog post on techniques to manage anxiety. Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious is not fun or easy, but you can overcome it if you put your mind to it.
I hope that these tips help you kick anxiety to the curb. Your mindset it your biggest asset. Take a break from your stress, look at it from a helicopter's perspective, and try to think more positively.
This is easier said than done, but with some practice, you'll feel much more confident and capable in your ability to sharpen your mind. Channel your energy into your mind to achieve mental toughness. I believe in you!
Annie Foley
Military Mental Endurance
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