Kickstart Guide: How to Build a Bicep-Growth Training Plan

5 foolproof steps for the guns of your dreams...
Assembling a bicep training plan that'll deliver the results you desire most effectively, efficiently, and for good can be a lot more complicated than it seems.
Sifting through an overabundance of information, much less fact-checking claims and testing different workout methods, is a task massive enough to dedicate a lifetime to on its own. Think about it: There are entire degrees and professions dedicated to this very pursuit. So how do you finally get the biceps you've been waiting for?
Sure, you can half-ass it and throw in your token dumbbell curls into your routine, and you might see some minimal results. If you’re looking for some real growth, however, you’ll have to really put your back, or, bicep, into it.

FYI; the internet is flooded with ‘quick-fixes’ and seemingly simple tricks and moves promising to up your gains with exponential results (like obtaining the much-coveted “6 pack in 6 days” or doubling your load in a matter of weeks.)
Under the surface, however, you’ll find these methods rife with flaws and inconsistencies, either being unsustainable or straight-up incapable of delivering the results it promises. In other words, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s get to the meat of the matter. Here's the 5 main factors to consider when building your bicep-growth plan so you can get the gains for good:
5. Check Your Intensity

It can be tempting to grab the nearest, largest dumbbell in sight that you can muster the energy to pick up and go to town. Not so fast!
Starting off with a load that's too heavy can hinder your progress, as overloading your biceps will only force the rest of your body to pick up the slack. That means your forearms, shoulders, neck and back will actually be taking the brunt of the work.
Instead, keep your reps high and weight at a moderate level to make sure you're working out the muscles you're supposed to be, and none of the ones you're not.
4. Flex Your Frequency

Planning to incorporate a bicep-training day in your weekly regimen? Good. More than once a week? Even better. (At least that’s what a 2016 study by Brad Schoenfeld revealed) He found that two to three workouts per week resulted in roughly twice the bicep muscle growth compared to a baseline of once a week, increasing the growth from 3.7 percent to. 6.8 percent!
That said, it’s also important to allow your muscles to recover and rebuild by giving yourself at least 48 hours of rest between strength-training workouts.
3. Variation is Crucial

Equally as important as actually doing the work is switching it up, so get creative! Don’t stick simply to dumbbells or barbells- use anything at your disposal to get a full range of muscles activated in your biceps.
Resistance bands, rowing machines, and even exercise balls can all help ensure you target the brachialis, as well as the long head and short head of your bicep muscle group. This allows them to adapt and strengthen through variation.
2. Set Yourself Up for Success

Want to build up your biceps without hitting the gym or hiring an expensive personal trainer? We got you. Check out our 6-Week Bodyweight Boot Camp program, tailored specifically for fast and lasting muscle stacking.
Developed in collaboration with a team of elite US Military trainers, you’ll get as ripped as a bootcamp recruit in 6 weeks flat without having to leave your home. Each week challenges you with three distinct exercise routines, a pair of endurance workout sessions, and a special fitness challenge for six muscle-shredding modules in total.
It’s the ideal choice if you have trouble maintaining a long-term workout routine since everything is scheduled and regimented to prepare you for a weekly fitness test. There’s also a rest day included in the program, so your biceps will grow efficiently instead of suffering from muscle fatigue.
If you’ve always wanted bigger arms but other programs haven’t provided lasting results, turn your training around with the MME Bodyweight Bootcamp below.
1. Don't Let Your Diet Take a Bite Outta You!

Finally, a sometimes overlooked but very crucial aspect of your routine is not what you do with your body, but what you put into it. A nutritionally unbalanced diet can and will derail an entire workout regimen, even when everything else is being executed correctly.
While this is a beast in itself to tackle, a key nutrient to focus on is in fact protein (no surprise there). You should aim for consuming at least 1.4 to 1.8 grams of protein daily per pound of body weight, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, with the leanest sources (and best for muscle growth) including lean meats, fish, dairy products, eggs and beans.

All in all, the best workout regimen is always one that is built upon a strong foundation of knowledge and a holistic approach, taking into account all of the different factors that contribute to one’s success in achieving a specific goal. As a matter of principle, this is the philosophy that MME maintains, and is evident in all of the programs we offer to ensure our customers are equipped to unlock their maximum potential.
Maggie Johnson | MME Lifestyle Contributor

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